After a troubled night and yes .. David, pronounced Daa- v-eeed slept over last night. Thank God Daz was on the raz and I could throw the chef in to his room for the night rather than have someone lurking in the livingroom! Why can I not see something like as spontaneous good fun rather than an irritant?
The French roomie has left. Good riddance! Well the clean-up after her and the boyfriend fell on my shoulders and they had the balls to leave the biggest bags of trash too. The bins are not even 200 feet from the garden doors where they loiter for regular smoke breaks. I've managed to move a fair bit of my stuff in. Won't be taking actual possession this evening though but we have much more space where I've moved crates, frames, artworks, tables, suitcases and managed to hang stuff for the first time in two years. Yay! I also commandeered the vacant kitchen shelves and did some serious repacking and stocking.
I have been disciplined and sat down shaved and showered to work on the embroidery at 10.30am Impressive given the chores I walked into in the kitchen upon waking. I've managed to get some three hours of work in before I began cleaning up after the roomie and shifting stuff over and up there. Unfortunately my hands are shot and loosing grip at this point and as the daylight is going I have no option for returning to the embroidery except to finish a feather. That will two or three final feather details to complete in the morning and rrun the bag up. So far I am happy. Nothing has to be unpicked and the motif is balanced.
Tennyson was fantastic. He had to be closed up in our bedroom during the move and I couldn't risk letting him out ahead of time and then going through a frantic search and catch to imprison again when the roomies returned. He's exploring as is Ayeva and making it very clear he would enjoy some time outside. Sorry pal. Ayeva is hopping down the stairs and did the booty-scoot across the carpet last night. VET visit coming up for everyone!
The children's 'Xmas presents are ruined. I had them on the window sill and discovered that they have sprouted mould. Sigh.
Dug-out the digital camera and manual etc etc. Dusted off the scanner and moved it next to the eMac -- I had plans of uploading that this evening. Not likely to happen I don't think.
Have been brooding this morning while embroidering and sifting through my tangled thoughts. I simply have to streamline my life cutting out the deadwood and putting some effort out "there" to grow. There have been a rash of inevitably terminated friendships over the last four months and while sad, paths diverge. Perhaps I should be more pro-active in a lot more areas. My brood resulted in another travel decision, I will not be going to 12th Night in the States come January and it is highly unlikely that I will be going to War in 2009.Oh well, life continues.