Looking back on the frequency of my updates, I don't know what happened. From the ages of 16-19 I updated fairly regularly, although admittedly they were getting more sparse towards the end of the period
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Reading this article made me cry, i too have totally forgotten quite how easy it was from ages 16-19. I really wish i hadn't forgotten the amazing memories from those years ago (years.... YEARS, fuck me). Tasha I've known you (on and off) for a decade. And in that decade i fear i have gradually gotten more and more boring. I truely believe it's because i don't see any of you guys anymore.
A lot of people come to uni to come out of their shell and become something. I think we all did that in Sixth Form and so now we're kinda fucked and, i dunno... above it all?
I miss those days, those naive days. Also, the new skins is absolute shite.
I love you immensely. Hope to see you very very soon. xxxx
If it makes you feel better, every time I see you you're the same person underneath it all, you tell me when I'm talking shit and you make funny jokes at peoples' expense and you delight in doing middle class things haha.
And I'm always relieved because it doesn't mean absolutely everything's changed. I think that makes sense? I also hope to see you incredibly soon.
I need to go back home in 3 weeks to pick up my car, and I'll be training via London. It'll be a Friday, will you be too busy to trek in? xxx
my replylizziegrahamFebruary 18 2009, 12:31:59 UTC
Absolutely not. I'll always make time for you. We can go have coffee or something. Even if it's only a short time to see you it'll be nice to get back to some crazy normality.
Comments 4
A lot of people come to uni to come out of their shell and become something. I think we all did that in Sixth Form and so now we're kinda fucked and, i dunno... above it all?
I miss those days, those naive days. Also, the new skins is absolute shite.
I love you immensely. Hope to see you very very soon. xxxx
And I'm always relieved because it doesn't mean absolutely everything's changed. I think that makes sense? I also hope to see you incredibly soon.
I need to go back home in 3 weeks to pick up my car, and I'll be training via London. It'll be a Friday, will you be too busy to trek in?
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