Save me please.

Jul 05, 2005 23:00

America's Next Top Model. It scares me. It's that bit at the end where the horrid judges are looking at the photographs of these girls and verbally ripping them apart! I can't handle it! And it's not the girls I feel sorry for (catty, self obsessed bitches that they are) its me.

I get paranoid that someday, someone, somewhere will get hold of a random picture of me and start hating me because my eyes are too small or my nose is too big or that I look like I've just tasted cat pee OR SOMETHING - how anyone can honestly care that much about anyone else's physical appearance that much is beyond me.

I'm not saying that looks don't count for much or that they don't count for a lot but these people are incredible. They just go too far. And whats more - they're proud of it. I hate it.

I'm still gonna watch the whole series though...

Speaking of physical appearance, I was surprised to be informed over the weekend that I have a "squinty look". As if i'm permanently stoned. Those were the exact words used.
I asked my delightful mother about this "squinty look" I have and she said "Well, yea... Thats what you're like. I thought you were stoned... Aren't you stoned?"
So whats going on people? Do i really have a "squinty look"?
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