Series: Eyeshield 21____________________Pairing: Hiruma x Mamori
Title: Devil to Blackmail__________________Author: ReiraRhapsody here, TashaHex elsewhere
Rating: T______________________________Type: OneShot_____________________________Word count: 1490
Warnings: Hiruma as usual, fluffish a bit, NO BETA
Timeline: Deimon, year after the Christmas
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Comments 10
I blame you for giving me a HiruMamo overdose :p I actually wrote this right after commenting on your cute stories.
Mamori is a good girl and I guess desperate times call for desperate measures ^_^
Damn the spelling... That sneaky spell check told me everything's fine, the nerve XD I'll find a beta person again =)
I read that you used a spell check. Unfortunately, they only correct spelling errors and not word errors. Like, you wrote "dough" instead of "though" and it didn't correct it. It happens. That's why I have to read through my stories a few times to catch these things. XD You know, someone told me once about "NaturalReader", which is a program that reads out what you write down. I'm not going to tell you to download it because I don't know if it's 100% safe yet (I'm a paranoid person. XD), but you could copy and paste sentences into the preview box, if you'd like. That's what I do. =)
Once again, sorry about my English "sighs" I do read my stories more then few times and try to correct them but...
Thanks for the program link, I had some fun with it and I find it very useful but to tell you the truth, I wouldn't have heard the difference between dough/though =( I'll try not to make same mistake again, that's all I'll promise ^-^
Oh, and thanks for the code! I'll probably try to do some of the other prompts too, we'll see
I noticed I messed up with the 'blackmail' banner so I re-posted it. Here's the new code:
Sorry about this inconvenience. =(
Mamori's mind was in "protect fast" mode so all is well that ends well hehe
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