Well now that I've seen it subtitled here is my review!
First will start with "Buddy" the new opening song provided by Maaya Sakamoto. I didn't like it at first, but I have to admit it's grown on me. I actually like it a lot now, I was very happy to hear some music from the first series in the first episode.
I can't really speak much about the plot yet since it's just the first episode, so I'll move on to the characters!
We'll start with our first recurring character, Dio. I was so happy to see he has recovered from what ever Delphine had done to him, and is still the Dio we know and love. I almost started crying when he was singing his birthday song. I wonder what's happened to the rest of the old cast, and when we will begin to see more of them and find out what happened to others.
I really want to know how Sophia is, especially since Dio mentioned her. I hope since only two years have past she hasn't been forced into some kind of horrible political marriage, even if it is to Vincent. Admittedly I'm not a fan of Vincent/Sophia. The first few fics I ever found of the parring featured Sophia being forced to marry him for various reasons when she was still very in love with Alex and seemed to think this was romantic, and a happy ending for both of them. Can we say Squick? So it's pretty safe to say despite trying I will never ship it. (Alex/Sophia/Vincent Threesome on the other hand, I am totally there.)
And now that I've bored you all with my fandom trauma brain vomit, BACK TO THE REVIEW!!!!
Anyway, Fam... Fam talks in her sleep, sleep walks, and strips in her sleep. This is apparently a common enough occurrence that she needs to be tethered to things for her own safety. She strip bungees in her sleep. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ What ever happens in the rest of the series, that is always going to be one of my favorite scenes. I was worried when it was first announced that the protagonist of Fam were going to be 15 year old girls, not because they are girls like every one else is complaining about already, but because they were15. It was one of the down sides of the first series that it focused on Claus, who as far as I could see spent most of the series clueless,in over his head, and never really got better. Fam however feels like a protagonist to me already. being a sky pirate she has experience, and people behind her to rely on. This is not Claus' ill fated decision to drag Lavie into battle in a machine he's never piloted before. Fam knows what she's doing.
It also makes me ever more sad Alex is dead, because if ever there was a person he would not want to be stuck anywhere with, especially in a dangerous situation I think it's Fam. This of course means I'm already coming up with fic ideas where he's alive, (This should not surprise anyone, screw canon, in my universe he will never be dead!) they meet, and he ends up having to protect her from something. Mostly because I just enjoy torturing my favorite characters like that.
I haven't really decided what to think of Giselle yet, but I think I'm going to like her. she reminds me a bit of Alister and I was fond of Alister. I'd also like to see more of her family, and on that subject I wonder what happened to Fam's as she doesn't seem to have one.
Princess Millia, I like. She's forward, and speaks her mind, but to me doesn't become the dreaded brat princess. Though I have a feeling poor Teddy is going to end up with an ulcer before he even reaches puberty. Until I see more I haven't really got much to say on her.
I have a bad feeling that the entire purpose of the existence of Princess Liliana is to die tragically before the series ends. I really hope this isn't the case. I really want to know more about the little snipets of her past we saw as it seems very important to what is going on now.
As for the bad guys and other stuff, I can't really say till I see more of the series. I'm still a bit nervous about it, but I am looking forward to the next episode. I do highly recommend watching it for yourselves.