The blame for any and all sudden or subtle personality changes I experience is to be placed solely at the altar of this show.
....And also the feet of Jeff Davis for placing Stiles and Scott and DEREK in a gay mosh pit. O be still my wee, fluttering heart. But I still agree with your father, Stiles. NOT WITH THE PLAID.
The Argents are the creepiest creepers that ever creeped. If I were Allison, I would need counciling in order to have a normal relationship with a man who wasn't the subject of a Criminal Minds episode. Maybe she just got lucky with Persistent McScott, who is fortunately more of a puppy than a fairytale wolf. (Sorry, I just can't take Alpha!Scott any kind of seriously. Heh.)
I do believe that Matt is a vampire of the sparkly variety. He certainly has the social skills of one. Stalking means love!
If he is of supernatural origins (or even just a mortal creeper) why wasn't Prada going for his eyes? Dogs can sense these things, ya'know.
Ahaha, now all I can think of is Jackson prosecuting Stiles with the defense of 'They said I could become a werewolf and THEY LIED!'
NO, ALLISON. NO MUSIC. NO KISSYFACE. YOU SUCK AT THIS KANIMA-SITTING THING. Lydia is a much better alpha bitch then you. Also, Allison and Lydia don't act like best friends; they act like two girls dealing with the same weird out-of-control situation.
This is why I can't take Alpha!Scott seriously. His priorities are skewed towards Allison. I'm fairly sure that an entire lobe of his brain is devoted to chanting her name and pleasing attributes all day, every day.
Not enough Derek or Stiles or Derek and Stiles.
Lydia is the bitchiest BAMF I've ever met.
The club scene was too short.
The Argents are the most weak-ass, creepy hunters I've ever met.
Nothing has been resolved.
I need to watch aaaalllllll of the first season. I regret to say that I should definitely watch it on DVD because their tie-in merchandising scheme IS WORKING. Now I actually want to visit the Style Lab and eat Reese's and drive a Toyota. THIS NEVER WORKED ON ME ALL THROUGH MY TEENS WHY IS IT WORKING NOW.
P.S. I need a fabulous werewolf icon.