(001) Write Rap with Jenna
(002) Have Rap Battle
(003) Go Stargazing with the Hermannator
(004) Hang out with everybody that signed my yearbook at least once
(005) finish my cross-stitch stocking/or close to it
(006) Learn how to play p.lacquers ‘hole in the road’ on my trumpet
(007) Learn good songs on the guitar
(008) Get my license (August 23rd hopefully!)
(009) Have a party at my dad’s house
(010) Hang out with my dad
(011) Go on really big hike
(012) Learn how to kayak
(013) Learn all the words to ‘Damn It Feels Good To Be a Gangsta’ and sing it with jenna
(014) Not drink more than one can of pop a week
(015) Write letters to lucy/maybe find a day I can go see her and dee!
(016) Hang out with Jenni
(017) Not watch tv for more than an hour straight each day
(018) Get a job
(019) Go to the boundary waters with doug
(020) Finish reading ‘The Five People You Meet in Heaven’
(021) Go to the Jack Johnson concert (If number 18 works out) and I have money
(022) Attend another regatta
(023) Wake up really early and watch sunrises
(024) Take the people I never talk to off of my buddy list
(025) Play frisbee golf with Doug
(026) Hang out with Karen
(027) Go thrifting
(028) Pitch a tent/ camp out in my backyard
(029) Take lots of pictures
(030) Finally make a camp scrapbook
(031) ALWAYS use port and sun bird? Instead of left and right to make myself a true/ the only sailing superfan
(032) Get my dreams analyzed and palms read with stillman
(033) Watch Donnie Darko
(034) See the P.Lacquers and try not to drool in amazment at brian
(035) Cut back on the amount of foul language I use
(036) Make a “bad day” mix
(037) Make an “I’m almost 16 finally” mix
(038) Watch Be Cool
(039) ..and the prequel
(040) Beat my grandpa in Cribbage
(041) Go to my hold house and ask if I can go in/look around
(042) Get the second hole on my left ear, re-pierced
(043) Write to friends at camp
(044) Go golfing with meghan
(045) Go fishing.. a lot
(046) Play lacrosse.. a lot
(047) Start thinking/looking at colleges
(048) Sing London Calling a lot while in London
(049) Start planning my gold award
(050) Get all the leadership and career hours for my gold
(051) Use the phone more
(052) Watch Beauty Shop
(053) Not sleep past noon.. ever
(054) Have lots of YAYA parties
(055) Be friends with the little kids at camp so I’m one of those ‘cool older kids’
(056) Try to eat fruits and or vegetables every day
(057) Drink tons of milk
(058) Watch office space at least once a month
(059) Go to Shoreview
(060) Meet people from other schools that share common interests
(061) See my soulmate at target
(062) Finsih the list to 101