Yay! I get a Demon tomorrow! This is exciting.
And I am seriously, this close to 25K. I don't know if I'll make it tonight, because I kind of wanted to pin a quilt and maybe watch the special features of the Star Trek Reboot DVD's, so we'll see.
Part Six, in which Thierry goes looking for familiarity and winds up with advice that makes no sense to him whatsoever. )
Comments 2
I thought you did the fortune telling scene well enough, it seemed properly mystical and mysterious, and I'll definitely be waiting to see how it all plays out in the end.
I really really liked the description of the saints. That was fun. I need to make up a religion now, just randomly. And I'd also like to see a sect of priest characters, since you've done prostitutes and fighters now. Priests seems like the logical next step.
You should totally randomly make up a religion. Maybe not for Impossible, but the new universe?
... I did not think about the priests.
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