Mar 04, 2008 21:57

No really. I just. No. A thousand times no. I keep seeing this theory pop up every now and then, and the support I've seen for it is basically just the scene where TYL!Dera apologizes to Tenth when he appears in the coffin and is abruptly cut off before he can explain what happened. There's also questions over where the multitude of boxes Dera got from Bianchi came from -- HINT: BIANCHI GOT THEM. LIKE THE GOOD SISTER THAT SHE IS.

But coming back to the scene with TYL!Dera: were Gokudera any other sort of character, I could understand the reasoning behind this. The sudden cut-off is very abrupt and I do agree that it suggests there is something more to Tenth's death than just being shot at a meeting. I do think there is information that we don't know yet, and I can sort've understand why ppeople would jump to a conclusion of traitor. If I squint and turn my head sideways. HOWEVER. All of Gokudera's development up to now points at a character who is devoted heart and soul to Tenth.

For example! In chapter 61 (the chapter where Dino tells him of Ninth's offer of a higher position in the Vongola family) Gokudera turns down a position where he would go back to Italy and become the owner of two casinos and gain eighty subordinates of his own. Now, remember! Proving himself a worthy person in the mafia world is Very Important to Gokudera. Prior to joining the Vongola, he spent five years trying to get permanently recruited into various families. Being recognized as capable is his Biggest Thing up to this point! And an offer like that is pretty damn well a recognition of his abilities. But Gokudera rejects the offer in order to stay by Tenth.

Shut up I can hear some of you thinking "Right, he stayed near to CARRY OUT HIS TRAITOROUS MISSION." WELL I'M NOT DONE YET. This chapter is, in my opinion, the most important one for establishing Dera's complete loyalty to Tenth. When he makes the deciision to go to Italy, it is because of Tenth's thoughts on the subject. Tenth is happy for him! Tenth is supporting him! Tenth Believes In Him, and so he decides to take the offer so he won't be letting Tenth down (and so that he can become a better pawn for him in the future). It is not a decision based on his own desires. And then the most important part! There is no one around to see him change his mind. What kind of traitor bothers going back on a decision when there isn't anyone around to see his moving display of emotion? And this is also a decision made based on Tenth's desires! Tenth, as a friend, doesn't want him to go. So he doesn't! It is as simple as that.

And that's the thing about Dera. He functions pretty much entirely as a pawn for the Tenth. Tenth says jump, he doesn't even ask how high. He just jumps as high as he fucking can. And then he probably apologizes for not jumping high enough. This is not a boy who will grow up to shoot his most beloved person in the back! Ever! This is a boy who will sacrifice his life just for a ring that may help the Tenth. His fight during the Varia arc was not a deciding one, and he was still completely prepared to die just for the sake of retrieving his ring. And then he came back as soon as Tenth called him! What is there about this guy that even remotely suggests he'll turn into a traitor ten years down the road? I REPEAT: THIS IS NOT THE TRAITOR YOU ARE LOOKING FOR.

So there. >/

character stuff, essay

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