And when I say "game" I mean a Gioco of course! I'm sure I didn't mention it, but "Gioco" actually means "Game" in Italian, or at least it does according to Google Translate. That's why I chose that as their last name, clever right? Honestly, I never really rely on Google translate, only when I really need to get a general idea of what my non-native english speaking friends on Facebook say something and I really want to know without asking. It works well enough and I have a couple of them, I have friends who speak German and Portuguese, and I really do care what they have to say a lot of the times. But moving on! I decided it was time to put the Gioco's up for adoption, or lend, but you know...this isn't a freaking library and they are "technically" people, so adoption! The rules are the same with my Natalia, but let me repost them here for easy reference.
• You may use and abuse her/him as you see fit, townie or founder or just there to produce babies, I don't care.
• You may dress her/him up any way you want, again, don't care.
• Change her/his hair, her/his eyes, make-up, whatever you want, she/he's yours in your game.
• You may use her/him in your stories.
• Not really a rule, but I would LOVE to see what she/he's up to in your game or any babies she/he has with your sims. Heck, I'd love to have them too! I mean if you want to share. Show me, share with me, let me stalk you!
So without further delay and or rambling!
Generation 1
Helba Gico
Download And as a special bonus.........mostly cause I loved him so much
Solomon Gioco (or Seeley)
Download Generation 2
I won't include their specific personalities here, only because my game had some weird spazz attack and now they all have the same personalities in different zodiacs, so you know....yeah I dunno what happened, sorry.
Alucard Gioco
Download Blackrose Gioco
Download Lieselotte Gioco
Download Lilica Gioco