Riker Legacy: 1.3

May 17, 2013 12:14

1.2 <- 1.3 -> 1.2

Whoo it's been a rough week around here for me but today I'm in high spirits and ready to do an update! And for once, I don't really have anything interesting to say here, that's weird and kind of sad. I know someone somewhere is going "YES!" But we'll just pretend that they aren't. Well, shall we just jump into the update then? Yes? Awesome, let's go!

Let's see, last time we were with the Riker family, both the girls tortured Spot the cat, they got into private school by some miracle of the Simgods, they bought Stripe, another cat and had kittens, Beverly aged into a teenager annnnd Kirsi was still bullying poor Callum. I think that's the high points, story time!

Beverly is a romance sim (not my favorite) and so in true romance fashion she wants to get her first kiss like now. So she called up the matchmaker to drop someone into the yard so she can.

Beverly: Oh I hope he's cute!

Beverly: This is what I paid $5,000 for?

Beverly: You expect me to waste my first kiss on this?

Needless to say, she didn't kiss him...at least not until after their date ended and the pink hearting was taken away by the GOODBYE KISS!! I was so pissed.

Time for little Tasha to age up though!

Very pretty! We'll ignore her sister in the background about to make out with her boyfriend, whom she didn't even like to begin with...sigh, why are Sims so weird?

After a little bit of a makeover...and a boobjob apparently. I swear I didn't even notice until I was putting these pictures in.

Uh...Tasha. I get it, you love your Daddy but do you really need to sleep in the bed with him now? It's not cute anymore.

Stripe: Oh hi Beverly!
Beverly: OMG get out of the way you dumb cat!



I have no idea why but this is the way she makes friends...they fight, she gives them a noogie and then they talk like they are best friends. I don't understand it.

But she still loves Spot.

Kirsi: -growlbitchcomplainbitchbitch-
Tasha: What is your problem lady? Aren't you dead yet?

Beverly got a call from her friends to go out, so I decided to let her. I rarely let my Sims go hang out when they get invited, so I thought, why not.

Angry smutle face!

Beverly: I really have no idea what I'm doing.

She spent no time with her friends, she was hitting on Gibson Gioco the whole time. Whoa there girl, he's an adult...and Gibson, I'm surprised at you!

And upon getting home I see this...one of the cats (It was a kitten, Idon't remember which one) was destroying everything and fighting with the other cats....so I got rid of her.

Yay! Callum finally got his LTW and that mean PLATINUM ASPIRATION! But uh, Bev, why are you talking to your friend through the door? Nevermind.

Beverly: I'm so hot.

She has a thing for mirrors, but I only took this to show off my adorable new private school uniforms better. I mean they are the common on but the only one I found.

And for anyone wondering, yes Callum still likes his telescope, but I try not to let him on it at night...no Alliums.

Birthday time for Beverly!

-facedesk- Why do you do this to me? The hair you have HAS an adult version damn it...

Much better.

With her birthday coming up fast, I decide to get Tasha's first kiss for her.

Tasha: I don't want it ruined like my sisters, so please help me?
Matchmaker: Yes, but how much are you willing to pay for your kiss?

Tasha: Is this enough?

Yeah it better be enough damn it.

Needless to say, her match thinks she smoking hot, which she is.

Tasha: With a little work, you could be Mr. Right.

Or not...

But they get that first kiss anyways!

-sigh- You know you're a nice Sim when you gossip and it's always about a cat...

Well it's time for Tasha's birthday now.

IT BURNS!! So bright, ohmygosh.

And right after it's time for Callum to age up as well.

I didn't know getting a suit was what made you old, he doesn't look like he's aged at all....we can fix that.

There we go, much better!


And that's the end of the generation! There will  be no heir polls in this legacy, not  unless there happens to be two kids that have all the same features and whatnot. But since the goal is to keep the alien genetics to generation ten, the heir will be the one with the most alien genetics. Just wanted to clarify that!

Also! You can now download the Rikers by clicking here!!

riker legacy

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