Well, nobody has been posting much in here.
So I figured I'd try and wake everyone up.
Summer has been crazy fun for me... One of my best friends is here visiting for 3 weeks and I've been hanging out with a bunch of friends...so of course it's always time to break out the camera...
Figured I'd post a few.
A friend of mine took some pictures of me in some nifty poses and such...and I only have a few of them, so there are a few of those and a few of random stuff...
color version
Photoshopped or whatever
my cat is the shiznit
he has no tail
my friend melissa, me, and tony
my friend hannah that's visiting
I was eating something
piggy back rides
tony & I walking
hannah getting attacked by misquitos
tony has man boobies
Ok, there's a ton more...butttt I'm sure you guys don't wanna see them all. Haha.
Just thought I'd entertain ya for a little bit. :)