I'm in my school Concert Band, and the Wind Orchestra. Concert Band's pretty bad, it's all juniors, so it was really good that we got gold! We must've been in a bad division. Wind Orchestra's good though. I play bassoon. Kinda random. My friends and I all play kinda random instruments - bassoon, oboe, trombone, french horn....and so on. You play an instrument(s), dont you? Or do you sing? xox
Ah cool. Yeah, I play flute, sax, clarinet, a bit of piano and guitar and I sing. Yay. My school bands never win anything though. Ah well. However, my music teacher did get down to Classic Fms finalists for music teacher of the year. Yay! Just thought I'd share that as I'm very proud of her. xx
You sound like some sort of musical genius!! I wish I played that many instruments. And I really wish I could SING! That would be awesome. As it is, the extent of my singing is singing the national anthem and school song in assembly. Congratulations to your teacher, she sounds wonderful. xox
Anytime darling :D How are you today? I didn't see you at school today so I assume that you were home sick :( seeing how sick you were feeling on Monday...
We played scary scary Riverside people....with retarded Blond girl who was bossing her whole team around and yelling the whole time. As you might be able to tell, we lost!! Oh well :D
Australian Music Examination Board...or something along those lines, it's the system of doing grades in Australia. So Im about to do grade 6. Which I am going to FAIL because I suck and dont practice enough. Uh oh.
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