Title: You Exist in My Song Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Inoo Kei (TakaNoo) Type: Chaptered Genre: Romance, angst, drama, hurt/comfort Disclaimer: Boys aren’t mine. Warning: My English is bad.
Really. Inoo is smart, but when it comes to love, his heart acts first than his brain. Thanks for this Tachan! I can't wait to read about them living together! 💜💙
indeeeeeed, he's such naive and complicated, but he loves takaki so much he couldnt help it, takaki drives him crazy for sure ;; thanks mimi, i feel motivated to write next chappies soon ^^
you know what Tachan? I love this and I love TakaIno and omg I feel like crying because it might be better if Inoo just left Takaki alone because he doesn't know anything about him and omg maybe they will hurt each other and I don't want that but omg maybe it's not the case but omg I'm afraid of what will happen next T_T
Okay I will shut up for now while waiting for the next chapter ;;
Comments 9
thanks mimi, i feel motivated to write next chappies soon ^^
I wonder what naughty things will run through his mind when they start living together... *whispers, 'NC pls~'*
omg, i thought of something nc as well, lets see if i can write it later or not, thanks keiyuki 💙
Okay I will shut up for now while waiting for the next chapter ;;
Ps: I loved the death note reference XD
im so happy u're waiting for next chappies, it makes me want to write soon, i hope i can accomplish that
well, i love death note too xDDDD
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