Title: When You Don’t Feel the Same Pairing: Takaki Yuya x Inoo Kei (TakaNoo) Type: Drabble Genre: Romance, angst Disclaimer: Boys aren’t mine. Warning: My English is bad.
Awww you made Yuya so sad and frustrated but I know Kei is really loving him too! It would take time to get over Yabu though, Yuya just need to distant him from his ex-love to make him forget.
Otsukare Tachan! I envy you, you were able to write a comeback fic unlike me... Huhu 😢
Hi, tat chan. I am not sure that you remember me. It's been a long time since I open my lj, and i thing I am missing a lot of your fics. I am getting Inoo's virus right now after I come back to lj and I've been crazy to read all Inoo fics. And I know you have a lot of them so I will make it my mission to read all of them. But I am sorry if I can't leave a comment in every fic.
Hi arin!! Ofc i remember you!! Sorry for late reply but im so happy that you got inoo virus wwwwww that guy is such a magic ryte thanks for reading n commenting as well :D
YES, YUYA! YOU SHOULD TRY HARDER!! GANBARE, YUYAN! I BELIEVE YOU CAN MAKE INOO FULLY LOVE YOU! I'M SUPPORT YOU~~~~! *raise hug TakaInoo banner :'D ._.V This fic is so relate with what happened recently. YabuInoo ship is sinking... or do they even drowning now?(;_;) #slapped But yes, Yuya. As you got a chance, don't waste it! You should try harder, Yuyan! Win Inoo's heart please!! Sorry for the mess commentT-Tv (and the super very late comment) I'm so happy you're writing again, Tachan! As always, i like your fic~ thank you for the update♥
my giiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrlllllll thanks so much for giving me sweet chocolate :D
you, as always, make me motivated to write takanoo again, ugh recently my heart is so weak for takanoo, i cant handle their sweetness sorry orz and to think they had phone calls in a long time huhuhu
Comments 18
Otsukare Tachan! I envy you, you were able to write a comeback fic unlike me... Huhu 😢
i know that feel, i cant guarantee too when will i be able to write another one :(
I am getting Inoo's virus right now after I come back to lj and I've been crazy to read all Inoo fics. And I know you have a lot of them so I will make it my mission to read all of them. But I am sorry if I can't leave a comment in every fic.
thanks for reading n commenting as well :D
*raise hug TakaInoo banner
This fic is so relate with what happened recently. YabuInoo ship is sinking... or do they even drowning now?(;_;) #slapped
But yes, Yuya. As you got a chance, don't waste it! You should try harder, Yuyan! Win Inoo's heart please!!
Sorry for the mess commentT-Tv (and the super very late comment) I'm so happy you're writing again, Tachan!
As always, i like your fic~ thank you for the update♥
you, as always, make me motivated to write takanoo again, ugh recently my heart is so weak for takanoo, i cant handle their sweetness sorry orz
and to think they had phone calls in a long time huhuhu
Yeah, totally agree that Yuyan maybe looks scary but inside he's the purest guy.
Awww that right Yuya, you need to try harder, make Kei yours!
Thank you for this fanfic :*
of course yuya should work harder! but in real life i think yuya is quite cool lol while inoo is so happy with their growing up relationship <3
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