one day ill stand on the world.
but not tonight, tonight i have a foot pressed to my throat.
im choking on blood, and it's becomming thicker and thicker.
i hope you all choke on blood.
i hope you choke on blood.
c h o k e
o n
b l o o d
keeping things to myself just seems to get easier and easier.
maybe its becuase i decided im going to stop caring.
im going to go deeper and deeper into shit until everything is so bad
that really, it doesnt seem so bad, becuase youve forgotten what happiness really is.
and what the hell happened to it.
im not too sure, to be completely honest.
why sleep, why wake, why die, why wait.
why anything anymore.
why do i log into my aim account.
why do i log into my myspace account.
why do i keep in contact with what drives me to an edge
an edge so long that it drags me for miles.
everytime i think im going to fall,
someone grabs me and picks me up,
and im fine again.
but this all just drags me back to where i started,
our grip of eachother gets loose, it was once tight.
im driving to an edge,
faster and faster,
my e-brake gets pulled my car looses control.
but right as death stares me in the face,
another hand grabs me with sweet embrace.
but this all drags me back to where i started.
right back to where i started.