Bahaha, a fanfic.
When I saw this prompt a couple of days ago, thoughts of this one came to mind....
(no, I didn't write it, cause I can't write for shite)
And if anyone ever does look at it, look at the date it was posted. Just for kicks. can't believe that this is still up
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Comments 7
That story... was made of so much WIN!!!!!!
How is your new job????
AND GREP IS STILL AROUND?! (You know, the only reason I ever posted there was because I liked the cute little Sailor Moon avatars.
NEW JOB IS GREAT. I got flowers this week for national professional admin day (which is really just fancy for "assistant" but I don't care!) and everyone is super nice and the hours are fantastic compared to Starbucks and I LOVE IT.
I keep thinking it's not real, and that someone is going to shake me and tell me that I have to back to Starbucks. Then again, I'm kind of a pessimist. But I'm working on that, too.
HOW ARE THINGS? *tackles*
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