Sep 17, 2005 23:02
Yup. I'm bored.
Looking for something to do... I'm planning to join something on the advise of Lu-kai...
Welp, i have nothing to lose. I'll keep you updated.
Sep 13, 2005 17:12
Sorry i haven't updated. I've been real busy.
I got a B in my English Launguage coursework
And i've been devoting time into finding something to do.
I'll update in several days.
Keep in contact, thanks.
Sep 01, 2005 23:56
Its been an eon since i have updated my livejournal so i thought i might start off with a quiz
Aug 16, 2005 13:53
I'm currently in a hotel in Hong Kong, its pretty nice... but only inside the hotel, for the most part the streets are overcrowded wnd the general weather is very humid
So i have being sweating
a lot
But, the hotel is nice, the service is well above average and is better than anything i would stand to get in Britain.
Aug 14, 2005 20:10
Today is the last full day of staying in australia (tomorrow we are going to hong kong for two nights). its been pretty wierd as a last day...
Y'know, the whole conflicting emotions thing
Happy- but sad
and stuff
So its been pretty good today, regret its over but am looking foward to see friends
Aug 12, 2005 18:10
Haven't updated recently... thought i might just as well...
7 days (well 6 days and 4 hours and 50 minutes)
so i'm particulary angry/bored/dead
Jul 31, 2005 20:50
I'm currently sitting around twiddling my thumbs in front of a 56k dial-up modem, trying to get webmessenger to load properly.
I am tired, bored.
Yet restless and... bored
so nevermind, i will randomly smash my face against a mirror, and throw stones at the birds
Jul 28, 2005 20:06
Currently on holiday, really tired for no apprent reason...
A lot has happened, though- we had parrots landing on our hands and heads while feeding them, lots of fun, didn't last long.
(Currently waiting for something to happen)
Jul 23, 2005 08:28
Welp, recently (after a mild argument with one of my sisters friends) I have found that many people don't read things properly, and that chain letters in livejournal are worse than chain letters in e-mail.
I geuss the argument did fill time if that could be counted as a benifit... unfortunately david had to stop- fair enough, i suppose.