You know what was a shitty month for me? April. All I'm saying is, pay attention to all potential side effects of your medication, even the ones that only appear on frigging Wikipedia
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The first thing I noticed about that picture was that they are not really naked if you count genital holding tape as clothing. I don't know what it says about me that instead of thinking "Wow, that's awesome," or "These guys are strong," or "Totally a photoshop, right?" I thought "Hey, shouldn't his cock be dangling?"
The lack of dangling cock actually really troubles me when I look at that picture. I mean, they're either taped or edited, but still! There are clearly voids! Though I suppose no one really wants to get penis all over their complete works of Shakespeare... or do they?
Comments 4
Also, the promised picture: Stackable people! (nsfw)
Not really. There's plenty of penis inside my complete works of Shakespeare already.
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