Motivation, where are you?

Jan 31, 2007 10:58

I think I am getting sick...not what I need right now before this baby arrives ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

jerkface02 January 31 2007, 16:44:51 UTC
i enjoy reading your posts! hopefully i'll be able to keep track if you're changing sites!

hope you feel better soon and good luck!!! <3


tattoogoddess January 31 2007, 19:14:41 UTC
thanks! I enjoy your journal too-I am just so bad with commenting lately. I will let you know when the site is up :)


charrey February 1 2007, 01:08:53 UTC
Oh no :( I was sick for a week and a half before I had Leo and it was miserable. The worst was that I still had the cough for the first two days of recovery from my c-section. Yea, ouch.

I hope you get better!


tattoogoddess February 1 2007, 15:05:12 UTC
so honestly-how was the c-section? I am more at risk for one with my Lupus and if I have to be induced. I hope you are doing well and have some good help at home :) I am getting so nervous.
Even with all the complications-I bet it is good to not be preg anymore and be able to see that wonderful baby!


charrey February 3 2007, 00:33:21 UTC
Recovery is the worst part, and it's awful to be honest. However, it's quick. I thought I was going to be sore and unable to move for weeks and weeks, but I can get around normally for the most part already. If you do need a c-section, I recommend getting out of the hospital ASAP because I recovered more and Leo did better in one day at home than four days in the hospital.

The actual surgery is not so bad; just try not to think about it when it's happening. Hearing the first cry makes you forget about it all, anyway.

It feels so great not to be pregnant anymore, I hope you're feeling that way soon too ;) I didn't realize how uncomfortable and swollen my body was throughout pregnancy until it all went away.


tattoogoddess February 3 2007, 15:59:07 UTC
Thanks for the honesty! I have to keep in my mind that it is always possible I may have to have a c-section. I think the hospital here keeps you 24 hrs after vaginal, and 72 after c-section.

I am looking forward to the no heartburn and my hands and feet are so swollen right now it wakes me up at night. I guess your body does that on purpose to make you want labor :)


charrey February 1 2007, 01:11:43 UTC
PS: your body goes down amazingly quick, especially if you are breastfeeding. I plan to take a picture of my belly next time the camera is out. I'm only a week and one day post-partum and my gigantic thighs are gone, my feet are bonier and smaller than I ever remember them being, and I have a little pouch left for a belly. Plus your boobs will be huge! haha, I'm pretty happy about that.


tattoogoddess February 1 2007, 15:07:03 UTC
That is amazing! I am praying that bf is easier then I think it is going to be. I hope to have a champion sucker :)
How has it been for you?

take photos!! :)


charrey February 3 2007, 00:26:12 UTC
Leo latched right on as soon as I was able to finally see him when I got out of recovery. They kept me in recovery for two hours and he was so hungry that he was trying to eat his clothes, so that may have helped ( ... )


tattoogoddess February 3 2007, 16:04:38 UTC
We have decided (though the family did not like it) that the first week home is just going to be the three of us. We figure we are already going to be clueless-why let anyone come in and make us feel more incompetent lol. And we want that first bonding time together-I will likely never have Jason home for a entire week again! I know the hospital will be chaotic (and I hate the pass the baby game). Probably since this is my first I am going to be so attached-crazy gimme my baby momma :) But at least the hospital only allows two visitors at a time-guess they had problems with big overbearing families.
Glad to hear Leo is doing good through all that! I bet it is just amazing to have him home and not in your belly anymore.

So I was going to ask someone about that-I know at first you kinda have to shove the whole boob (lol) in their mouth..but they do end up latching the right way on their own eventually? That is wonderful.


goodjoan February 2 2007, 14:22:00 UTC
I hope you are feeling better soon. I hope you don't mind, but I added you to my FL in hopes that it will be easier for you to contact me if you have any questions or need help nursing once the little one arrives. I'd love to know how you're doing and what, if anything, I can do to help right now!


tattoogoddess February 2 2007, 16:00:00 UTC
yes :) I have been so bad with keeping up with replies!
I go in to get my cervix ripened on Tues eve (unless I am dilated more at Mondays appt). Then I will be induced Weds am. I am nervous and excited....5 days to go. wow. I have my birth plan and my little breastfeeding notes for my chart and hers for the nursery. My bag is packed pretty much...I am not sure what else. I am hoping to get that burst of energy here soon-I need to clean and do schoolwork-but have no desire to lol.


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