Title: ShinRa “unofficial” work do.
Rating: R I guess
Warnings: Bit silly :) Unbetaed because no one loves me *wail* ;)
Summary: What would happen if Sephiroth went into a strip bar?
Pairings: Angeal, Sephiroth, Cloud and Zack …..Angeal / Rufus
**Spellings - I’m English so "pants" here means underpants as opposed to trousers!!
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Comments 5
BTW, I'm always up for beta-ing. Main thing I saw: I that took the noise of his blood outside of himself and let it’s need be heard. Wrong its.
Could use a sprinkling of commas throughout, but other than that, I think it's very good. And love the courting dance/claiming ritual line.
I'm a beta-ing virgin *blush and giggle* but as long as you're gentle and don't tell my mother I'd love to, thank you :p
Fixed the comma :) I've seen something I don't like as well, bah but I need to eat some more heart attack inducing food before I change it. Every meal today has been biscuits and cheese :o
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