Feb 15, 2012 21:28

So earlier today the ever wonderful donna-k linked me to some photos from The Recruiting Officer's first night party. Naturally these were very relevant to my interests. So many pretty people.

And then Tobias, like this:

Because, I don't know, Tobias seems to have an interesting fondness for paisley? But I'm more amazed by a man under 40 wearing a cravat to an after-play party. I just. HOW ARE YOU EVEN REAL, YOU PERFECTLY STRANGE MAN YOU.

BREAKING NEWS: Thanks to an excellent tip-off from oxoniensis I have managed to secure a ticket to the play! So now I won't be going to London on the weekend of my holiday but rather the end of it. Which means, if anyone can help out, I only need a bed to crash in for the night of Tuesday 6th. (I'll go down to London on the afternoon and come back home on the Wednesday evening. Saves me from being in London too long and, thus, spending more money than I have.)

And now continuing with the TOBIAS JUST STOP part of the entry. In my occasionally compulsive googling of him I stumbled upon an interview with a random York based thing. It's a nice little interview with some good tidbits. Highlights for me included:

He has known Zak forever and a day (literally as they are immortal), and they are old friends and bitter enemies.

Because I'm ridiculously happy that he sees them the same way as I do (and I'm writing them).

As for whether I share any similarities with an amoral, ruthless, charming, psychopathic, alcoholic, womanizing servant of beelzebub, well, let’s just say...yes.

Because: hnnng, that is a nice description of Richard.

Zak is an old friend and rival, we’ve grown up together, Zak has just always been there being over-earnest and pompous, but that’s Zak.


As for Tom, Richard sees himself in Tom’s precocious talents and in his questioning spirit.

Because: now that is interesting. And helpfully nails down what I've been trying to express about the way Richard tries to get to Tom.

There's also the pleasure at realising that he already knew Sam Samuel because he did The Cherry Orchard at the Crucible in Sheffield while Sam was the artistic director. And rounding out the interview this:

I’m a walker and whenever I had time I made it out to the moors which are breathtaking.


And now I'm going to watch The Duel, in which he stars opposite current fandom favourite Andrew Scott**, because apparently period!Tobias is amongst my favourite kinds of Tobias***. (I rewatched Persuasion on Saturday - in between flailing at Rupert Penry-Jones and HIS FACE and being weirded out that I'm currently the same age as Anne Elliot I found myself finding it difficult disliking him as William Elliot, despite him being the bounding cad of the story, because hat and sideburns and ~faaaaace.)

*Not actually a euphemism. I really must remember to talk to you all about the shift in my sexuality. Actually, IDK, shift isn't the right word. It's more like I have a better understanding of myself, post-The Boy, and which label is closest to right for me.

Still queer as a (okay, I went to look up a simile here because I wanted to be light about it and I can't even) coot****, though. All of the people are attractive to me. All of them.

**I'm aware that he's been a favourite of the more theatre-y of you for longer than he's been a fandom favourite. I'm just referring to the explosion of his face every where I look since Sherlock S2.

***To be fair, at this point ALL OF THE TOBIAS' are my favourite Tobias. Apparently this has just been lying in wait since Rome. Waiting for the right combination of character and presence.

****No but seriously. Why a coot? I mean, I know they're fairly odd looking - but they're not the oddest looking bird in Britain. Which, to my endless quiet pleasure, is something that Sam Samuel West could also tell you. ♥_♥

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can we go walking on the moors tobias?

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