Long time readers of this blog may remember the
murder house across the street from me. Well, the house is no more, or mostly no more, as it caught on fire this evening. Possibly not by accident, from discussion with my neighbors, who saw it go from a single flicker at a window to wholly engulfed in fire in something like a minute. Plus one of the firemen was walking up and down, videoing the crowd, which made me think they also had arson in mind.
On the other hand, it's been the realm of squatters for years, so I would not be surprised if it was just a firetrap. Fortunately, I don't think anyone was living there currently.
ETA: Ah, yes, this might explain the whole "from flicker to fireball" thing. Twitter tells me "SJFD IC calling for shut down of ladder pipes on S 7th fire near SJSU to evaluate report of Meth lab."