So, Taxon! Stefan doesn't think you've heard enough about vampires lately. To be fair, he was as surprised as all of you to find out the place was ~*infested*~ with them, and he is in fact part of the infestation, ergo: questions. To ask these, he is seated in a small, bright
kitchen, at one of them there barstools, which means most of what is visible is the counter, Stefan's arms folded neatly across it in front of him. Marvel.
Right, that accomplished, let us move on.
There's a small package of what looks like seeds sitting within range of the tablet's 'camera'; Stefan is not a fiddly person, so it's his eyes that occasionally stray to the little white square rather than his hands. He addresses the tablet sort of like he's making a public address, and further like that would make him sort of nervous were he given to such things, but he's not, and so what characterizes his posture is a preternatural stillness. This kind of thing may already mark him as screamingly not-human to some people, which is sort of the point, so either way:
"To begin I ought to apologize for the fact that this will come out of nowhere for most of you; I haven't exactly made myself an object of frequent visibility."
His expression is briefly rueful before it smooths out into earnest neutrality. "It's not an intelligent strategy, where I come from, to advertise what you are. And given recent events it may not be in Taxon, either, but it's either that or stand by and watch things happen; I've always told myself that would be the safest way to be, but I don't seem to be able to live that way, so - here I am, an object of visibility."
Having put uh, that out there, he addresses the packet of seeds. "In my home--world, if that's how it's called, vampires possess a certain degree of mental influence. As I've kept myself mostly to myself I don't know if that's what you're dealing with here, but this is vervain, an herb that can counteract that possibility. The problem is growing it; it's temperamental and takes time and patience, neither of which is desirable at the moment. So if anyone could expedite that process I'd be grateful. Making it available to everyone won't make you safe, but it might help."
He kind of feels like he's at a Bloodsuckers Anonymous meeting. 'My name is Stefan Salvatore, and I'm a vampire.' 'Hi, Stefan!'