Oct 12, 2009 02:06
Sup guys, sorry for the delay in getting this posted- insane weekend. OKAY, so here is a vaguely organized plan of how it's gonna go down, let me know if I've screwed up anywhere?
- Buffy, Xander, Dean, Spike & Angel go to Fangtasia. Eric is in his office. Godric is ~elsewhere~.
- Xander gets weldy with it. And the door.
- Everyone else puts petrol EVERYWHERE.
- Molotov cocktails a-go-go.
- Godric shows up and is like WHAT THE FUCK, starts hitting folks.
- Jim beams everyone out VITALS WHOA
- Eric busts out of shitty welding, poss with aid of Godric. SINGED AND ANNOYED
- Cordelia will be on medical assistance duty?
...and that's it for now until we do kidnapping? But that could prolly be its own post anyway? Guys I have no clue about posting order, I'm thinking we just play it by ear and threadjack where necessary?
That's all. :D