This weekend I zipped off to Wales for the Abergavenny food festival. Naturally I brought along my camera and took a freakin lot of pictures. Like 500...
The journey began at paddington station. And lo, paddington bear at paddington.
It was like an airport hangar. Also again though, no garbage cans!
My train was pretty late, so I arrives in Abergavenny at 9:30ish and went straight to my hostel. Conveniently right across the street from the train station. I had boked a bed in a dorm for 12, but there were only like 2 other people in the entire place, so the guy moved me to a smaller dorm, and I have my pick of 7 beds rather than 12. There were 3 bunk beds, but I chose the regular single bed. It was less rickety feeling.
Also Fuzzbe was there!
Next morning we got up super early to wander the town got under way.
As a photographer I feel like sometimes I'm on the look out for different things. Like this chunk of wall. I love how so many of the walls have plants or neat mosses growing from them.
Picturesque european side street.
Mixed with a little touch of urban decay.
And there was this place. I think it was wither an orphanage or a day care.
The river Usk. Home to a rare lamprey; a wierd jawless fish. Also this medieval bridge.
I liked the look of this bench.
Just by castle meadows (oh yeah, abergavenny has the ruins of a castle), are some public victorian gardens. There was this really cool carved post.
Abergavenny is surrounded by the black mountains. I saw them and was overcome with the urge to climb one.
But first I wanted to see a freakin medieval castle!
I found some Fuzzbe sized steps.
Then I actually went to have a look around the festival.
Apparently there were some 30 000 peopel in the town that day. Or so the old men I was eavesdropping on the next day while waiting for a coffee were saying.
Then I began my trek up Sugarloaf, where I passed this house. It had a dragon on it.