Title: Home Invasion (5/9)
tay_21 Fandom: Primeval
Pairings: Connor/Abby
Rating: Pg-13
Genre: Angst, violence, romance... eventually
Warning/Advertisements: violence
Word Count: 16,256 (total)
Disclaimer: Primeval and its characters belong to Impossible Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's Note: Initially written for
deinonychus_1's birthday,
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Comments 8
(Two of my favourite words!)
He's still in a medically induced coma, and now has a swelling on the brain!
Now this swelling can do one of two things,
1). Make him into more of a child than he was in series one.
2). Give him special powers that make him invincible!
Personally I prefer option 2!
Poor Abby, having to see her broken family like this.
Uncle Becker is just the best! His storytelling! Making the Pristichamps into a dragon! Cool!
Love 'King Lester'. He really is the best.
Well done for another emotion filled chapter.
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