Title: The call
Pairing: Yamachii, Chiitaro, Ariyama
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: Yamada was spending another night at home when suddenly he received a call that make him remember things he thought he have forgotten.
It was late at night and Yamada was sitting in the living room of the apartment he shared with his lover, when suddenly he’s cell
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Comments 56
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I know, right. They should be together. Yes, poor Chii and Yamada even thought he try to act cool he still live Chii.
Thanks for reading and commenting sumiko-chan. *hugs you back*
*crying a river* *sulking on the corner*
But this is good, risa-chan...
I got the sad feeling...
Write more hehehehe, I'll surely read them...
*don't cry*
thanks I was really worried that maybe I couldn't transmit the sad feeling.
Hai, I'll write another one.
thanks again hara-chan. Sorry for the late reply. *hugs you*
Where have you been?
That's okay, Risa-chan...
Yosh! I'll surely read them when you write again... :DDDDDD
hope you liked it. :)
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thanks for reading and commenting ren-chan.
You wrote an angst!!!
Yamachii is separated. chii has ryuu, and yamada has daiki.
But they still loving each other, and have no love for their recent boyfriend. >.<
It's so complicated yet hard for both of them ne... Gyaaaa~~~~~
I'll cry for them from here.. >.<
They don't need to be separate!!! Gyaaaa~ T^T
But it's very great, risa-chan!!!!
LOVE IT!!! <3333
Thanks for making this before you go... XDDD
Yes, I wrote another angst.
yeah, is sad hoe they love each other but still they are not together.
yeah, the should be together.
No, don't cry.:(
thanks for liking it, iv-chan!!!!
I'm so happy you like it. It means a lot for me.
sorry for the late reply.
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