Title: Because of fear [1/2]
Pairing: Yamachii
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG (for this part)
Summary: Things has been weirds for Yamada and Chinen since the first incident between them. Yamada want to talk about it, but Chinen don't look like he do. What will Yamada do to get over this problem?
Yamada couldn’t get angrier that how he was at that time. So, this is what had been happening. )
Comments 29
CHII....why you avoiding yama-chan???? i think you love him too....>.<
love the jealous yama-chan...
yeah...take chii from yuma before you lose him...XD
i hope they'll make up soon....
I'm happy you like it so far.
As I promised the next one is a smut and I just posted it. >///<
it's my first one so I'm not sure about it but I hope you like it.
thansk for reading and commenting :DDD
and YAY! the next chap will be smut!!! *whacked harder*
thanks for reading and commenting :DDDDDDD
yes my first one >///
my english also bad..
not only bad..my grammars also worse!!!
hello tayarisa-chan..
i'm new in LJ..so yoroshiku na..
i'm haruka..real name hanna..
from malaysia..
22 years old..
my ichiban is yamachii..
but i also like another pairing..
like TaDaiki,InooBu,HikaNooBu,OkaJima..
but YamaChii is always be on the top of my list..
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