Title: Chinen's side.
Pairing: Yamachii
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Rating: PG
Summary: What happen after a breakup with the person that you love??? Every breakup have two sides of a story, and both persons fell hurt.
The firs part is
Two sides of a same story [1/2] I'm dedicating this fic to my twin's bestfriend
bakaahoumahy that it's new add LJ. Thanks for liking my fics
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Comments 24
And once again, thank you for posting this fanfic for me, I really appreciate it ^^
I'm glad you like it even if you don't like angst. :D
you welcome ^^
thanks for reading and commenting. :DDD
So Yamada..
take your responsibility, because your love to my chii (get pounch), I mean our chii..^^
I like this Risa-chan..^3^
yes, he better take good care of chii this time.
glad you like it rien-chan
thanks for reading and commenting.
And I hope Yamada won't disappoint him again this time >.<
I always love your fic, Risa-chan, especially when you wrote the angst one... it's like I can feel how the characters feel in the fic... >.<
yes, he loves yamada a lot.
if he do it, I'll kill him!!! >.<
I'm happy you like my angst, normally people like my fluff not the angst. But for some reason I like writing angst.
I'm so happy you like it hara-chan.
Thanks for reading and commenting. :DDDDDDDDDDD
Finally I was able to read it~
*got some problems with LJ and reading*
Annd~ now here my comment:
Just simple, deshou ne?
Awww I'm happii that they are back >together< ^0^
Chinen words were so sweet and sincere~~~
I really like them~
You make me felt the pain Chinen felt about forgetting Yamada...
You never can cut your love so easily, ne?
...It's kind of sad..but in the end, I'm really glad that Chii wasn't able to close his heart to Yamada!!!!!
A really great OS~~
Yes,the pain pf trying to forget someone you really love it's what I wanted to show in this fic.
yes I also like that he give him a second change.
I'm really glad that you like it.
thanks for reading and commenting. :DDDDDD
I really like these story!!!
And the pain...you really described it so perceptible~~~
Great Job~~
YamaChii worked things out in the end >w<
Love what Chii said in two Ryosuke too
"So...I guess here we go again"
The YamaChii cannot be broken that easily deshou ^^
I'm sure Ryosuke will start acting better as the boyfriend too XD
Thanks for writing another great fic Risa-chan
they just love each other too much.
nop they can't
if yama-chan doen't start acting better as the boyfriend he will have really serious problems with me XDDD
and thanks for reading and commenting :DD
YamaChii has great kizuna between them ^^
Definitely something special deshou !!!
Omoshiroi na Risa-chan.
You show him if he doesn't treat Chii right again XD
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