Benefits, Dark Blue, Dean/Ty, NC-17

Mar 08, 2010 11:48

Title: Benefits
Author: taylor_serenil 
Pairing: Pre-series Dean/Ty
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dean makes an excellent distraction (and gets distracted himself).
Length: ~10K
Disclaimer: Not mine. All for fun, not for money.
Warnings/notes: Explicit slash. This is Ty and Dean's first time in Not Quite-verse. As always, many thanks go to dime_for_12 for her lovely beta work. rorylie  also ( Read more... )

dean bendis/ty curtis, not quite-verse, slash, dark blue, fic, explicit

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Comments 8

whogeek March 8 2010, 20:14:12 UTC
**cheers!!** YAY!! A Dean/Ty friends-with-benefits story! I've been wanting to read one from you, because you see it so much like I do. This is just so perfect!! Yay! And, because you said that finishing a story is always hard for you: The ending is perfect. Just that bit of a new, silent agreement between friends. Just right.

**hands over cookies**


taylor_serenil March 8 2010, 20:52:14 UTC
***eats delicious little cinnamon-dusted Mexican shortbread cookies***

***accepts cheers***

I'm really, really glad you liked this. And glad that you thought this was perfect for them. I personally think more people would slash them if Ty wasn't reasonably happily married, because they're obviously very comfortable with each other (that hug in August, Ty calling Dean "D" all through SitD), have all kinds of history, and on a purely shallow note would be hot together.

The ending got a big assist from dime (as usual), but the final wording was mine. So the combo platter obviously worked for you.

The probable next thing up is Scheme. More Trinity-verse, the one where Dean and Jaimie talk about their plans to pounce Carter and have kinky sex with just the two of them. Acceptance--the one where Carter says yes (with threesome porn) is in need of slightly more detailed pr0n and may be the next thing after that.

The one that's barely started is an angst-fest tentatively titled Plus One. Dean and Ty never quit the friends-with- ( ... )


whogeek March 8 2010, 22:52:56 UTC
yeah, I know what you mean. Only, my problem is that I have other things to do when my muses give me stuff, and when I have time, they go all "Nope. Not giving you anything now." Although, my Dean/Carter story with OFC and OMC quasi-family for Dean is getting pretty long. I might actually post it sometime. XD I'm really liking my OFC though. She's a bit crazy. Maybe they'll give me some stuff to work with this week.


taylor_serenil March 8 2010, 23:11:23 UTC
Giving Dean a quasi-family is fun. I've done it a couple times--Gianna in chameleon-verse might as well be his mom, and Michelle Shaw in Unexpected practically adopts him down the line.

(Because he's right in that 'verse about his parents freaking that he's not entirely straight--his mother calls trying to reestablish a relationship, hears he's with Carter when she asks him to bring his girlfriend if he has one to visit, and does the classic homophobic reaction--quotes Leviticus, etc. So he doesn't bother talking to his father after that one).

I tend to get ideas when I'm driving, because I do a lot of repetitive routes. And yeah, getting ideas when you can't do anything with them sucks, because half the time you can't remember them when you do have time.

I'd like to read the Dean/Carter even if it isn't actually finished yet--it sounds interesting.


dime_for_12 March 8 2010, 20:38:29 UTC
It's so nice to see it finally up.

Great fic :D


taylor_serenil March 8 2010, 20:59:06 UTC
Thanks for the "great fic". As always, you had a lot to do with that (and if I didn't properly thank you for the ending help, consider yourself thanked).

It's always nice to get something new up, especially something like this that's been in the planning stages pretty much since Not Quite.


rorylie March 9 2010, 04:13:56 UTC
The ending of this is just love (non romantic hot boy friendshippy love). I know I'm repeating myself, but it's just so nice and the ending is just totally my favorite thing. I have such a thing for this.


taylor_serenil March 9 2010, 04:39:08 UTC
Hey, repetition means you really, really liked, so I appreciate that. As mentioned, the end's sort of a dime-and-me combo platter, so I'm glad we apparently go together like peanut butter and jelly.

I still want to write Ty giving Dean a hell of a birthday, so you may get that morning sex yet (and yeah, the plan for that is still to have Ty give Dean one more surprise and bottom for him then). I need to google strip clubs in San Francisco to see if there's a good gay one I can send them to. I swear, if anyone ever really goes through my computer, they're probably going to be traumatized for life considering some of the stuff I've googled for fic (especially for Trinity-verse).


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