Phenomena 7/? Filler Chapter

Mar 05, 2006 01:07

Hey all,
Sorry for the massive radio silence. Work has been burying me lately but I have been working on something new. This is just filler for the old story to get the juices flowing---so to speak. :)

They just stared at each other. Stared in silence, waiting for Brian's self-preservation to kick in so that he would get into his car and drive away. Neither one of them would sit comfortably for at least a few days, but Brian knew that when he first sat in his car to drive away the initial wince might be so intense that he would have to spring back out and *not* leave New York, and after all of his high-and-mightyness about agreeing to the six month life as a New York "artiste" that meant that he had to stay in his car, turn the key, put it into drive and leave.

So they stared at each other. They were standing so close to each other that Justin could feel the body heat and indecision pouring off of Brian in waves. He couldn't take his eyes away from Brian's, he was being hypnotized by their depths--on sparkly green and the other intense hazel. But it couldn't last because all in one moment it was ironically Justin's self-preservation that kicked in when he saw one of Brian's eyes waver and fill slightly--too intense, too much. It was too much, they had become intimate with each other in ways that Justin didn't actually know if he could spell and it had nothing to do with sex. It had to do with the fact that they had finally decided to give "Brian and Justin" a go but that go meant that first Brian had to leave and Justin realized that if he stood close for another millesecond Justin would just drag him back upstairs and prolong the already too long two weeks that they had spent together.

Because in truth, Brian didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay with Justin and live in a rat hole of an apartment and fight about take out and whether to go to the Met or Prada. He liked himself there and for once...well it kind of freaked him out that that didn't scare him. He knew he had to go though, emotional Brian was still a bit much for Justin--emotional Brian was Justin's kryptonite, and it wasn't quite positive and life-affirming yet. It was an almost 36 year old man discovering how to show emotion to his life partner and make himself vulnerable. So he got in the car.

Justin leaned through the tiny window to kiss him one last time and when he did Brian gunned it because *goddamn* did his ass hurt and *holy fuck* did he want to feel Justin do that again soon. Justin waited to look self-satisfied about the wince that he tried not to see when Brian sat in the car. If he wanted to feel Brian like that again soon, he'd have to pretend it never happened. And when Justin turned to walk back into his apartment that smelled like Brian, and Brian-and-Justin, and paint thinner he whistled softly because something in his gut told him that everything was going to be good.

Well...they fought a lot, but that's only because Brian is an even bigger drama queen than Justin.

"Am not!" Brian yelled into the living room as he changed out of his work suit.

"Yeah, he really is Daph. I don't know what the fuck we would have done if I wasn't as mature and upstaAHHH!" Justin yelled into the phone as Brian tacked him onto the couch.

Daphne being deaf and seeing the futility of any further conversation simply hung up to let Brian help Justin pack. Er...god, babysitting Brian for six months....well technically less than five since he was up in New York for at least a week once a month...but still, it had given her an even dirtier fucking mind. Brian needed to get out of her head, and fast. Daphne was a little afraid that soon she would be swaggering into Babylon and telling the nearest blond to sit on her 9' dick. No doubt the trick would be midly horrified at the outcome.

Brian had Justin pinned between the couch, the coffee table, a box and the floor. Which was actually really uncomfortable. Justin huffed and bucked against Brian to get him to move out of the way and let him get into a comfortable position before they had really *fantastic* Justin-is-moving-home-sex. Justin hadn't done wonderfully, but he had made contacts, and Rage was still going strong in print so he had at least accomplished his goal. And even though he had kept one of Brian's gold cards, (Brian found that out right around New Jersey, fucker) he had never had to use it.

As the six months went by Justin found himself more and more in love with the more adult version of Brian Kinney, and Brian found himself having to adjust to coming home to a man, not a boy, but a self-sufficient man who was making his own money and developing a sense of self respect worthy of an artist who can afford his own flat in New York City. It worked. It became home in a way, and they would always have it, but now it was time to move back to "where it all began" as Brian liked to say in his annoyingly high pitch howler monkey that indicated his long lasting disgust with the stepford fags.

Justin rolled his eyes when Brian said that, usually followed by something in the nature of, "yes dear, and don't forget to pick up Suzy and Tommy from school." Brian typically swatted his ass and then fucked him into the mattress at that point. It served to remind him that taking it up the ass was not a Suzy and Tommy's parent activity--or at least that was Brian's excuse for his higher than usual frequency of fucking Justin into his tiny little New York bed.

Justin sighed, content in the knowledge that they could truly destroy this couch with sex and cum because he was leaving and had been paranoid about stains around his very noisy Italian landlord.

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