People do realize that George Zimmerman is also a member of a minority race, correct? And you do realize that not every supposed injustice in this country is wrought upon racial minorities, right? Because the general consensus right now is something along these lines: "FUCK GEORGE ZIMMERMAN AND HIS RACIAL SUPREMACY. FUCK WHITE SUPREMACY. FUCK WHITE
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ICWA is so fucking ridiculous. Just because someone is 1/64 Native American does not mean that they rightfully "belong" to any tribe. That members of tribes (regardless of how much Native ancestry they have) can use ICWA to sue for custody of a child who is barely Native at all is outrageous. Seriously, if a child has 1/64 Native American and 63/64
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Is anyone honestly surprised by this? I've avoided saying anything about it for a while now because I really didn't think it was shocking, but it seems others think quite differently. Come on, people, governments have been spying on their citizens since the dawn of time. Is it really so hard to believe? I mean, honestly, you cannot be that naïve.
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