Title: Four Times Gabriel Was There For His True Vessel, and the One Time He Wasn't
taywenRating: T
Genre and/or Pairing: Hurt/comfort, friendship, gen.
Spoilers: Up the end of season 5?
Word Count: ~8000.
Summary: Au-ish wherein Loki is this weird guy who keeps popping up in Adam's life (and giving him candy) because Adam is actually Gabriel's True
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Comments 10
Maybe if I ever get around to watching seasons 6 & 7 I'll get some inspiration
I wouldn't completely rule out the possibility of a sequel, however!
"Good! Now, here's some chocolate."
Way to teach the kid not to climb the big trees, Gabriel. Your education vocation is showing.
Re his inability to be there to save Adam from the ghouls, I wonder if he blamed himself after for being unable to wipe out his pursuers, or for playing with them in the first place, letting them chase him because he yearned for their company on a level too deep to acknowledge.
Gabriel is the master of positive reinforcement? Candy is the way to any adorable Wee!chester's child's heart! (In a totally non-creepy way of course.)
When I wrote that part I was thinking he blamed himself for playing with the other angels in the first place, instead of losing them immediately when he had the chance to, but either interpretation works!
Yes, it's important to reward kids with healing and candy when they fall out of trees!
I like him blaming himself for fooling around with the angels (not like that) despite his not being able to predict that ghouls would suddenly attack his vessel. (Why should he be different from anyone else in SPN?)
If he didn't, who knows what sort of trouble Adam would get into later in life..!
... Aha that hadn't occurred to me. I mean, obviously he wouldn't be able to predict the ghouls but I knew it was going to happen (durr) so... Hm. Very good point!
It does explain why Adam is- was- the first in a long time that could have been Gabriel's vessel. Michael's line strengthened him.
I liked that bit, it was a great little twist of logic. And that bit after the car crash, Adam's "I don't even like Snickers anymore." Some really nice details in there.
Adam really gets the short end of the stick in the show (and kind of Gabe, too,) so it was great to read this little bit of fic where they get a new lease on life.
I'd be interested to know how Adam handles being a vessel for this figure he's known for a while, he'd probably be a bit of a backseat-snarker, and how Gabriel handles live in a vessel that still has a consciousness.
It'd be interesting to see what, if any, compromises they make.
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