OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. albertO told me he loved me tOdaii. YAY !! im so fucCin happy. i gOt ma boo bacCk. ;]. me + briian gOt into a fight tOdaii ova da tv + he punched me. punk biotch.
whOo da fucC nOoz nemOre.. hez cOnfusing. lOl mOst niGgaz are thOo, i like yasiir thOo ;x // sOo im debating on which One i want // yasiir is sweet // albertO thinkz he can drOp me + piick me up aGain netyme.. im like naaa papii chill wit dat // hez like wuteva yOo ill see u tomorrow + well talk about US
yea mOst niiGgaz are cOnfusin ; but fuQq it .. lOl .. aww yasiir is cutee ! yea thas hOw gOgO - mOnkey - was .. thOught he cOuld let me gO + get me baCk like it aint nuttin .. hahaha i set that puSzii nigga str8 .. ;] fuQq dem niggaz yO .. lemme knO wut gOes dOwn.. well of cOurse yOu`ll tell me.. u <3 me ;] <3333333 lOve ju bOoger head
Of cOooOourse ill tell u whats gOin on.. gOtta tell ma kiika ;D // yeh yasiir iz like da mOst sweetest niGga ull eva meet.. he was like i dont believe n da werd hOe or slut he wuz like i wOuld neva disrespkt a femaLe like dat.. im like ur ma kinda niGga.. he wuz like if i cuLd turn bacC tyme id punch da niGga whO invented da werd HOE n hiz mouf.. ;D
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