Oct 03, 2005 21:41
only if i were different i could change it.
people are asking me alot of things that i really dont think they need to know or it matters for them to know anyway.
just leave me be bitches.
whats it to u anyways?!
Sep 11, 2005 20:50
and then i cry.
i want snow la la
I want you la la
Aug 10, 2005 13:31
did you know I missed you?
I missed you
I miss you
Its too dark
Jul 27, 2005 13:14
im sad and broken down, look me in the eye
look my in the heart and say you wont go
Jul 17, 2005 20:33
some ppl's dancing catches my eye...and i like it
Jul 16, 2005 01:26
words of wisdom, words of grace everywhere i look, I see your face
Jul 09, 2005 02:58
things are better if i stay...
i love mcr
i love angela
i miss her already
Jul 07, 2005 00:24
Respond to me on this one....ok?!
if you were to become a drug addict what would be your drug of choice??
for me, personally, pills...ha
they are for the most part clean and u can puke them up. unlike herion and crack and pot...those are the dirty drugs chollo!
Jul 07, 2005 00:14
damn u bugs...damn u
good night with etk kids, b-ret and ryan. hah. funny guys