Title: Cheesecake Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Himdae; Himchan/Daehyun Summary: Daehyun and Himchan live together, and Daehyun wants to share his slice of cheesecake with Himchan. They share it in a very peculiar way. Word-count: 2056
YOOOOOOOOOOOO ///////himdae food smut/////////////!!!!!!!!! how did you throw in like half of my kinks in 2000 words i didn't eat lunch i'm hungry now (and horny) 50-50 hungry and horny it's hot in here
YOUR TOP!CHAN IS COMING I SWEAR i'm still suffering writers block but i'll overcome it though i can never top ur smut kneels and bows in front of u
Comments 3
how did you throw in like half of my kinks in 2000 words
i didn't eat lunch i'm hungry now (and horny)
50-50 hungry and horny
it's hot in here
YOUR TOP!CHAN IS COMING I SWEAR i'm still suffering writers block but i'll overcome it though i can never top ur smut
kneels and bows in front of u
if you're having a hard time getting through writers block with top!chan i'll write it with you if you want :)
anyway i finished your top!chan and i should post it later today~ but don't anticipate too much it's bad
EDIT: here it is, i'm gonna hide now
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