SPECIAL: DIRGE OF CERBERUS CHARACTERSrashieaAugust 12 2008, 22:09:49 UTC
Theme: Characters appearing in Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (a possible 10 would be: Lucrecia, Hojo, Shelke, Shalua, Weiss, Nero, Rosso, Azul, Reeve, and either Grimoire or Genesis) Priority: 4 Other: I could help supply images for this deck :]
Suggest Final Fantasy VII decks in response to this comment.
Priority: 4
Other: I could help supply images for this deck :]
(originally posted by thia_fayne)
Priority: 5
Other: Choco/Mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Levithian, Odin, Typhoon, Hades, Alexander, Knights of the Round, Kajata, Titan, Ramuh, Bahamut, Neo Bahamut, BahamutZero, & Phoenix!
Priority: 5
Other: He is riding a giant stuffed mog, how can it get any better?
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