[game] :: [event badges]

Jun 11, 2015 06:52


Here in this happy shiny post you can claim our most shiny event badges!

What is an event badge, you ask?

An event badge is a badge for an event a special badge for you to display on your card post, if you fit under the requirement for that badge!

For instance, you can claim an event badge if you're the first player to master a specific deck! Event badges look like this:

And depending on how shiny your shiny accomplishment is, you'll get some rewards to go with it? Awesome, non?

Currently, we're handing out event badges if:

  • You master a specific deck for the first time
    - prize: (first time) event badge + 10 random cards // (second time+) event badge + 5 random cards
  • You've mastered 10 decks
    - prize: event badge + A choice certificate + 10 random cards
  • You've mastered 25 decks
    - prize: event badge + S choice certificate + 10 random cards
  • You've mastered 50 decks
    - prize: event badge + 2 S choice certificates + 10 random cards
  • You've mastered 75 decks
    - prize: event badge + 2 S choice certificates + 1 B choice certificate + 10 random cards
  • You've mastered 100 decks
    - prize: event badge + 2 S choice certificates + 1 A choice certificates + 20 random cards
  • You've mastered 150 decks
    - prize: event badge + 3 S choice certificates + 1 A choice certificates + 20 random cards
  • You've mastered a deck without spending any certificates
    - prize: (first time) event badge + 2 choice cards + 1 choice special card + 4 random cards // (second time+) event badge + 2 choice cards + 2 random cards

    - Choice cards and event cards do not count as 'certificates' for mastery - you may use them to master and still get a reward.
    - Exchange, shop and fairy trades also do not count as certificates!
    - If you cash in a certificate to trade with someone else, they can still get no-cert mastery UNLESS it's a mutual cert redemption - i.e. you redeem a cert, they redeem a cert, you trade cards.
    - First time refers to the first time YOU get a first mastery/no-cert mastery, regardless of the deck. After you've gotten a first mastery/no-cert mastery for ANY deck, your prize for the next first/no-cert mastery goes down accordingly.
    - Timestamps on the mastery claims will be considered for claims of first mastery and in case of changes in prizes.
    - For every 50 decks mastered after 150 (200, 250, 300, etc) you can get the 150 decks mastered prize all over again!

    Event Cards
  • You collect all event cards in a set (see event card post for sets)
    - prize: event badge + prize as described in the set (see above)
  • You collect 10 of the same event card
    - prize: event badge + 2 choice cards + 2 random event cards + 5 random cards

    - You can no longer redeem the event cards used to claim the badges above.

  • You hit 50 trades with other players
    - prize: event badge + A choice certificate + 2 random cards
  • You hit 200 trades with other players
    - prize: event badge + S choice certificate + 5 random cards
  • You hit 500 trades with other players
    - prize: event badge + S choice certificate + B choice certificate + 5 random cards
  • Every additional 500 trades with other players (1000, 1500, 2000, et cetera)
    - prize: event badge + 2 S choice certificates + 5 random cards

    - If you trade multiple cards for multiple cards, it counts as multiple trades.
    - Special cards traded for 2 cards count as one trade.
    - Gifts you give count as trades. Gifts you receive do not.
    - Trades with the exchange, shop and fairies do not count (these are actually community activities).

  • You hit 50 contributions to affiliated communities
    - prize: event badge + A choice certificate + 2 random cards
  • You hit 150 contributions to affiliated communities
    - prize: event badge + S choice certificate + 5 random cards
  • You hit 400 contributions to affiliated communities
    - prize: event badge + S choice certificate + B choice certificate + 5 random cards
  • You hit 1000 contributions to affiliated communities
    - prize: event badge + 2 S choice certificates + 10 random cards
  • Every additional 500 contributions to affiliated communities (1000, 1500, 2000, et cetera)
    - prize: event badge + 2 S choice certificates + 10 random cards

    - Submissions and voting count as separate contributions.
    - Making banners for cb_overflow counts as a contribution.
    - Placing does not count as a contribution.
    - Trading in DM for cards (from manga_battle) does not count as a contribution.
    - Votes bundled with applications for rating communities (i.e. the three votes to validate an app needed at tutu_rating) all count as one action along with the application. Votes apart from applications count as individual actions each.
    - Community activities and games do not count as contributions.

    Note that to earn your rewards and badges, you need to provide a link to proof of your shiny deeds.

    Additional event badges will be handed out as time passes, and more may be added to the list. Also, some event badges not listed there will be announced in news posts, so keep your eyes peeled for those.

    Claim your badges like this:

    Name: Your name
    Event: What you're claiming your badge for! If it's not one of the events listed above, please link to the newspost that says you can claim the badge.
    Picture:* Link to the picture you want in your badge! If it's for a mastery, please provide with a picture of the character in the deck (or if it's a special/themed/different deck, a picture that is relevant to the deck in question). Please upload it to your own image host (or to a free one!); do not direct link from the source. Remember, official art only!
    Proof: Link to proof of your shiny deed. Proofs break down as follows:First or no-cert mastery - card post, mastery link & log links
    Number of masteries - card post, mastery badges & mastery pages
    Number of trades - card post & trade logs
    Number of contributions - card post & contribution logs
    Collected event set - card post, entry with completed event set & log links
    Current holiday event set - card post, entry with completed event set & thread where you received the completed set [this applies to events run seasonally through exchange_events where your sets are typically received in one comment thread as a whole]
    Also, don't try to fake activity logs, because you will be kicked out of the game when we find out. :)
    Choice Cards: If you've earned choice cards, please list them here. Please know that listing choice cards in their file name format (ie jupiter01) makes it much easier for mods to reliably and quickly fill your claim (copy/paste is our best friend).

    * - We will not follow specifications for a badge unless you're pointing out which character(s) to crop. Rotation, resize, coloring, that's all up to us - if you want your badge resized, colored, rotated and cropped a very specific way, please do so yourself and we'll put it on the badge as is. If you crop your badge yourself, please make it 114x64 as that is the size of the image portion for the badge. Anything less certainly won't fit. We will not remake badges later on down the road, so make sure they are the correct image you want to begin with!

    rashiea will then slave away make your badge and you can include it in your post. ♥

!game: event badges

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