01. Why are pests so hard to get rid of?
a) They are called "pests" for a reason. by
rashiea 02. What is the weirdest award to win?
Pick one. There are apparently entire sites dedicated to the debate. by
rashiea 03. Why is it so hard to move on from certain events when they end?
a) For whatever reason, you have obviously formed an attachment. by
rashieab) It became a part of your life and now it is not there. by
mmrobitussin 04. Why does grinding always take longer than you think it will?
a) ... (O_O); It.... just does. by
By it's definition it's "tedious," so it would likely take a long time and be rather boring. by
rashiea 05. If you could be a vegetable, what would you be?
a) Asparagus - yummy and good for you. by
rashieab) POTATO! :D by
mmrobitussin 06. If you could function without sleep normally, would you still choose to sleep or not?
mmrobitussin 07. How does a "Want to Read" list go from 3 to 30 so quickly?
b) There are many great things to read and clearly not enough time to do them. by
mmrobitussin 08. Are spies the ninjas of the current era?
a) MAYBE~ But you'll never know because they won't let you. by
mmrobitussin 09. Why are desserts always so much more tempting than healthy food?
a) They're desserts! By definition they taste better and should be more sought after. by
rashieab) Sweets are delicious! Healthy food isn't! by
mmrobitussin 10. Will RNG finally smile on me the next time an item related to my favorite character comes back around?
a) Yes. by
mmrobitussinb) Maybe if you're really lucky. Somehow those odds always seem to be against us. ;; by
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Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.