[Results] :: [Week 152]

Jan 05, 2016 03:31

01. What is the funniest food to watch a dog eat?

a) Human food by rashiea
b) Sticky things. They do that weird "chew" things, but can't grasp the sticky. by mmrobitussin

02. Why does it seem like there's so much less time to do things in around the holidays?

a) Because there is. There's physically less daylight and also the need to shop, wrap and give presents, decorate, visit people, cook, etc. by mmrobitussin

03. What is the best pizza topping?

a) Sausage and olives. by rashiea

04. Why do stink bugs fly like drunken toddlers?

b) They're drunk on their own fumes. by rashiea

05. Why are so many big marketing venues (holidays, diamonds, etc) really just commercialism?

b) Everyting is commercialism. Without making people want to buy things most companies would go under. by mmrobitussin

06. What is the weirdest type of cheese you have heard of?

a) Maggot cheese. by mmrobitussin
b) This is supposed to be the 7 most bizarre types of cheese. They all look pretty weird to me. by rashiea

07. Why does money always seem to be the poster child of "easy come, easy go"?

a) Every thing costs and it's not easy to earn, so it leaves you just about as fast as you get it just for living expenses. by rashiea

08. What's the best thing on a cold night?

a) Warm blankets and netflix. by mmrobitussin
b) Hot chocolate, a warm blanket to cuddle with a fuzzy pet and a warm fire. Maybe even a book to read. by rashiea

09. Why am I tired?

a) You did too much today. Slow down. by rashiea
b) It's a state of being. by mmrobitussin

10. Why does one always seem to get sick at the most annoying times?

a) You stressed your body out too much and it's telling you that the only way for you to stop is to be ill. by mmrobitussin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 152, !results

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