[Results] :: [Week 154]

Jan 19, 2016 02:29

01. Why is waiting for new episodes of a favorite show so hard?

a) It's your favorite, so by default you want to watch it now, not next year. by rashiea
b) Anticipation and cliffhangers never go together. Thus waiting for a new episode is difficult. by mmrobitussin

02. Why do people like to watch destruction?

a) It's fascinating. by mmrobitussin
b) It's like watching a train wreck. You can't look away until it's over. by rashiea

03. Why is your neck sore after you've been sitting for awhile?

a) Bad posture. by rashiea
b) Holding your body up is difficult.... Holding a large weight on top of a stick is even harder. by mmrobitussin

04. If you could be any animal (real or fictional) for one day, which would it be and why?

a) A pegasus... I would like to know what it would be like to run fast and yet to be able to fly. by mmrobitussin
b) Dragon, because they fly and breathe fire. Awesome! by rashiea

05. If given the opportunity, would you save the person you hate the most? Why?

a) I'd like to think I'm a good enough person to save anyone I could, regardless of my personal feelings for them. by rashiea
b) No, probably not. I'm greedy like that. by mmrobitussin

06. Why do children refuse to sleep when they've been running all day and must be tired too?

a) Adrenaline is a fascinating thing. by mmrobitussin
b) Over-stimulation. They've been running so much at this point, that they don't know how to stop. by rashiea

07. What's the weirdest thing you've ever accidentally found on your computer?

a) Reaaaaaally old files. Think equivilant of dinosaur fossils. by rashiea
b) The Narwhal Song by mmrobitussin

08. What is the best unnatural drink (so non-juice/smoothie/water)?

a) Mountain Dew keeps me running, but if you've ever tried Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash. Now that is good stuff. by mmrobitussin
b) Root Beer - yummy floats. :3 by rashiea

09. Why is sugar/snacks so much more tempting to eat than healthy food?

a) Sugar is addictive, so of course you crave it more. by rashiea
b) It tastes better than healthy food. by mmrobitussin

10. Why are funko pops so darn addictive?

a) It allows you to hoard things... like trading cards. by mmrobitussin
b) I don't even know what these are, so I couldn't tell you. ^^;; by rashiea

well that was unexpected

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 154, !results

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