[Results] :: [Week 70]

Feb 24, 2014 10:09

01. Why are the Olympics aired so much later than they are filmed?

a) How else do you expect them to keep those time slots "prime time"? by rashiea

02. Why is it so difficult to find clothes that fit well and look good on you?

c) Because no one is the same shape or size and clothes manufacturers refuse to acknowledge this fact. by rashiea

03. Why is cleaning your room such a 'chore'?

a) Because we get used to the slow accumulation of junk in our personal space and getting rid of it all at once is a daunting task. by caterfree10

04. Why are unhealthy foods so tempting?

b) Because our brain is hardwired to like sweet, fatty things better than low fat, not-so-sweet things. by caterfree10

05. Why is it hard to get rid of things that you own but don't really need/use anymore?

c) Sentimental value and/or "I might use this someday" by caterfree10

06. Why do we over-eat?

b) It's easy to do with the amount of readily available fast and snack foods on the market. by rashiea

07. Why are some people more responsible than others?

c) Personality quirks and child rearing at it's best. by rashiea

08. Why do we 'sweat the small stuff'?

b) Because the big stuff would crush us with its weight. by rashiea

09. Why do people sometimes get strange cravings for different foods?

a) Science would say it's your bodies way of telling you what it needs or what mood it's expressing. by rashiea

10. Why do 'nice guys finish last'?

c) They are too busy acting nice and getting out of everyone else's way. by rashiea

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;

week 070, !results

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