[Results] :: [Week 103]

Nov 19, 2014 13:34

01. If the body can only run for so many hours a day before needing rest, how come Hermoine is exhausted from using the time turner to add more hours to her day?

a) Perhaps she takes mini-naps between classes... and because she keeps going over them with the time turner, it's like getting multiple amounts of sleep! by mmrobitussin
b) Because it's all make believe, so Hermoine can do whatever the Rowling's wants her to. by rashiea

02. What is the most common lie?

a) "I have read the terms and conditions..." by mmrobitussin

03. Why do some contest post tie breakers for both first and second place when by process of elimination the "losing" first place tie breaker icon would in fact be second place due to the original tally?

b) Because some people just don't think things through like that. by rashiea

04. What is the strangest pet?

a) Pet skunks are supposed to be fun if you de-gland and de-claw them. They're supposedly like really smart cats. by mmrobitussin
b) Exotic pets are always strange by definition... there is a reason they are originally termed "wild animals." by rashiea

05. Why do some tasks take up so much more time than expected while others hardly take any at all?

a) Overestimation and underestimations are part of life. by mmrobitussin
b) Variety is the spice of life. by rashiea

06. If you could drive any car in the world, what would it be and why?

a) Realistically, a Toyota Corolla is very logical and the parts are easy to come by. Unrealistically, a hovercraft sounds nice. by mmrobitussin

07. What is the best type of pain management?

a) "Vicodin" - House by mmrobitussin

08. If you dug a tunnel from one side of the Earth to the other, would you fall out the other side if you jumped in or would you stay in the center due to gravity?

a) I imagine you would probably stay at the center as all gravity leads towards the center. However, if you did... would the gravity center still be in the same place? by mmrobitussin
b) I think you'd have a hard climb back out either side if gravity is pulling you back to the center. by rashiea

09. Do glow-in-the-dark objects stop glowing when somebody turns the lights on?

a) Nope.... They just keep glowing you just can't see it. by mmrobitussin

10. Why does Hawaii have an interstate?

a) Realistically because the Hawaiian government wanted Fedral money for an interstate like the rest... so they protested and got their interstate money... even though they live on a set of islands that aren't connected. by mmrobitussin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone would like to see the tallied results, please let me know.

week 103, !results

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