[prizes] :: [tutu_rating]

Nov 26, 2007 19:36

. tutu_rating PRIZE CLAIM .

Claim your prizes for participation at tutu_rating here. The prizes will be handed out once it has been confirmed that the person in question has contributed.

Cards earned through applying and voting will be handed out immediately upon confirmation.

Prizes are:

Application - Submitting a regular application will earn you 3 random cards. You must vote in at least 3 other applications before your prize can be claimed. Please provide links to the respective votes, as well.
Monthly Theme Application - Submitting an application to the monthly theme will earn you 2 random cards. You must vote in at least 3 other applications before your prize can be claimed. Please provide links to the respective votes, as well.
Voting - 1 random card. You must have applied at least once to be able to claim prizes for voting!

Claim your prizes like this:

Journal: Your journal.
Community: The name of the community you contributed in - just to make sure you're in the right place.
Contribution: What you did. Put a text link (do not use HTML) to your contribution as well, even if the comment is screened. These links will be forwarded to the mods of the community for confirmation.
Date of Contribution: When you did it!

Comments in this post are not screened! There's no need for them to be, since it involves no secrecy or anonymity whatsoever~

as of 11.28.07, 5:17 PM GMT -3:00
Total Contribution Count: 11
Regular Applications: 1
Monthly Theme Applications: 1
Votes: 9
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