[Results] :: [Week 19]

Jun 10, 2010 07:41

Results for the quiz~

01. Why is Dreizhen missing half of his ears in human form?
Correct answer: He's a Doberman, so his ears were docked when he was a puppy.


02. What kind of animal does Leon inadvertently help D hatch on Christmas Eve?
Correct answer: a dragon

c) purple dinosaurs are so 90s farsketched

03. Who does Madam Sultana look like to Christopher?
Correct answer: his mother

a) except not white…or feathery…or a peac--okay fine this isn't the answer at all! farsketched
c) I couldn't find any pictures of her on google images, so I'll just assume like this. lefthandpenguin

04. How many installments of "Flowers and the Detective" are there?
Correct answer: three

b) [ (88/11) + (74 - 70) ] / 4 = 3 farsketched

05. What kind of animal is Pon-chan?
Correct answer: a raccoon

c) om nom nom! farsketched

06. What do all the animals that D and Leon encounter durning the dream at the museum have in common?
Correct answer: All the animals that appear in the dream are extinct.

b) Apparently they're all stuck in the same dream together. rashiea

07. What kind of animal does D sell that looks like a different type of animal to each member of the family?
Correct answer: a kitsune (nine-tailed fox)

a) Definitely an Eevee. Always evolving, always. lefthandpenguin

08. What type of bribe gift does Leon sometimes bring D?
Correct answer: sweets, especially pasteries

b) A smutty doujinshi. lefthandpenguin

09. Where does Count D acquire Tetsu?
Correct answer: From a holding cell at the police station.


10. What kind of animal is Q-chan?
Correct answer: a horned volpertinger (though I've usually seen it spelled wolpertinger)

a) A rabbit with bat wings. Only in Japan. lefthandpenguin

Congrats to all the winners~ If you won, please comment here with the question number(s) in which you were voted "Best Response". Each "Best Response" gets one random card. No cards are awarded for answers that were "DISPLAY ONLY" on the voting post. :)

Also, if anyone wants to see the tallied results, let me know. XD;;;

week 019, !results

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