(no subject)

May 09, 2004 11:46

Really nice night last night.  I miss him.  Get to see him when he wakes and what not.  Moose.  the three os us had a nice time together until about 4:30 this morning.  Fucking,...insomnia got to all of us.  No regard for the need of sleep.  None at all.

My Dream this morning:

So first of all,...I texted Chuck a lot...kept in communication with him and that was a happy thing for the both of us.

I went to sit down with Jessica and I grabbed one set of a little snack to eat.  I also grabbed 2 Cherry Starbursts and put them in my pocket.  I sat down on this couch where you could see the outside world, and Jess asked, "could you do me a favor?" and I said, "wait a minute...dude who the hell is your best friend in the whole world besides Corie?"  and I pulled out the Cherry Starburst.  That was all happy.  So we sat and ate them together.

Then I am at this place.  On the left side (walking toward my vision) Corie and I are together walking through a semi-stickery place.  Like the thorny plants that I hate in the summer that Are green and aplenty.  SO we're walking through that and corie sticks her hand in a bunch of them and they break off easily.

then we get to this place (in the middle of both of the sides, but later it becomes the crosspoint in between both sides) and we are walking on this tree that is directly above this water that only reaches half of your calfs.  Corie was telling me that the woman who made that tree there didn't smoke and that it pissed her off.  So she gets down and starts walking back up the way we came.  So we get to the "Y" location of my dream.  Corie was thought to be a bit deeper than she actually appeared to be.  It was really hard to walk in this water because of the thick sand.  As I started to walk over to corie, my shoe fell off and floated up, but I realized that I needed it and so I put it back on regardless of how difficult it was.  oh yah, and on the walk back from the tree to the "Y" Corie was telling me about the only skinny little pumpkin that grew from this tree.  I seen it, and it was so.  Anyways,...we start walking back to wherever we decided we were going and we reach the decision of the "Y".  Corie decided that she would rather walk through the field of thorns and shit like that while I walked the more smooth path of travel which was slighty above the thorns.  I had to tell her about beauty and how much she liked it and then she wasn't there anymore because she was literally waking me up.

I'm not to sure about how I feel about the symbolism about this dream.  It kind of disturbed me a bit, because I don't want this to be prophetic.

What I get from all of this is that in october Jess and I will find who we are to eachother even more so; corie and I will walk the same path and then she will go off to her own road and deal with more of her shit.  This will be, not a place of high water, but a problem none the less.  I am curious as to what October will be like for the 3 of us.  Interesting, I'm sure. 
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