Random mnk and thfyness

Jul 18, 2006 21:41

So did a limbus run the other day. I think Blau+Thf knife broke the game. One day for epeen purposes I'll actually do sata like people who want real epeen numbers do. For now SA+DE will have to do.

Worked from home the other day causing me to log on at a weird time and get the call that we need damage at Tiamat. lolthf to the rescue! Too bad a smn killed so no TH4 for drops and we got nothing for our time. Guarda has like TH-10 tell your friends.

Side bar: lolthf actually can do decent dmg without bard, putting all hate on tank, and using mithkabobs to eat!

In other news Zarc envys Graesons 2 King Bodies

And Pico is in a crusade, for what we're not sure but he is willing to die for it on the way to our first JoL

I have pics of our two JoL kills but they're not impressive since the torque didnt drop so I'll refrain. Grats to Kerb and Falcoo on the MAB and enmity down earrings. Now Kerb can further attempt to level parry on blm by pulling hate on fafnir.

So I've leveled mnk to 50 now. I'll wait a day or two for the ls to kill fafnir and give me a ridill. Figure it would allow lolthf to break the game and let me quit mnk and finish the set with war who is also at 50. But DUDE IVE GOT HECA!

Chain 18 in trio pt at 44? /check

600+ raging fists at level 47 on IT gobs? /check

And lastly here are some things that cause me to lose sleep because of bad dreams ; ;

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