Welcome to . We known nobody likes these lists of rules, but as a moderator, we love them. We love that we can keep order over our domain and we also love that we can keep our members safe.
So what you're going to do, is read these rules, learn them and then make sure you follow them.
1. No kink-shaming, character bashing, or policing of preferences.
Kink-shaming is, at this point, shorthand for any kind of prompt shaming that goes on here. If you don't like het, don't lambaste someone for posting a het prompt. If you don't like bondage, don't harass a prompter for asking for bondage. If you don't like John Blake being written as a woobie, don't gripe at someone else who likes that characterization. This goes for any kinks and any preferences. Go post your own prompt and leave other prompters alone with theirs. If, however, you make a prompt of your own saying "X prompt sucks, I want Y instead", or "X characterization sucks, I want Y instead", or "X pairing sucks, I want Y instead", that qualifies under this rule as well. Don't do it. (Saying "I see a lot of x, and I would prefer y", however, is fine. You can prefer something and request against something else and still be nice about it.) In the case of kinks that tread on being potentially problematic (see rule 3), proceed with caution and be respectful with your request.
2. If your prompt or fill may have triggering content, please put a warning in the subject line of the comment.
Okay, this one, we have issues with, but more because people don't always remember to title their prompts. Please put a header on your prompts and fills in the subject line of your comment. Include characters and pairings (for ease of navigation) and trigger warnings (for anyone who may need to avoid that prompt). Not giving your prompts and fills a subject line makes the meme much, much harder to navigate for everyone.
3. Do not use oppressive or appropriative language in prompts, and discuss with caution and respect.
Further details on this rule can be found here, but the gist of it is this: use of racist, sexist, cissexist, heterosexist, ableist, etc. language are not condoned and should not be used. The only exception with regards to prompts is if you wish for a specific character to be characterised in such away; then you may specify. In fills, it will be allowed, though a warning as per rule 2 will be required in the title.
4. If you see wank or rule-breaking, do not reply to the offending comment. Any offensive or wanktastic comments will be frozen (and frequently deleted) immediately. Any wank from another lj brought back to tdkr_kink will also be deleted. Report it, don't reply to it. We depend on you guys to catch things that could potentially be problems for the meme because it makes our jobs as mods easier.
5. Fills can be anything: fic, art, vid, fanmix, podfic, etc.
Again, less of a rule, more of a guideline. Though the meme is mostly written fills, fills can be absolutely anything you want. Just remember rule 9 if your fill is art or a vid, and link if it's NSFW! In addition, fills do not have to be in English. But if you want to do a fill in a language other than the one the prompter used, make sure it's okay with the OP first. See here for details.
6. Fills may be posted anonymously or not.
Less of a rule and more of a guideline. Same for prompts--we're not going to crack down on anybody for not posting anonymously. It's up to your own discretion whether you want to be anonymous or not on this meme.
7. Prompts may be filled as many times as you like.
There are lots of really interesting prompts, and if one inspires you, feel free to fill it again even if someone already has. Though we obviously prefer for people to spread the love around and fill prompts that don't already have fills, there's nothing saying you can't post a second (or third, or fourth, etc.) fill on a prompt!
8. Provide links to prompts filled off-site.
If you post your fill on your personal LJ or on FF.N or on AO3, then provide a link on the prompt (or in the Fill List) so that the OP will know that their prompt has been filled. Again, this is just common courtesy to the prompter.
9. Link to NSFW images/videos. Don't embed.
Images take up a lot of space page-wise and can also pose a problem for those with slow connections or those visiting the meme from devices other than their computers. Also, it's a lot harder to cover up a NSFW image on your screen if you're in public than it is to cover NSFW text. Yes, it's a kinkmeme, and yes, it's mostly all NSFW, but still, have some consideration for those surfing the meme in public.
10. Please don't link to locked material. This includes locked communities, even in membership is open, and members-only things on AO3.
It's just plain inconsiderate to link to locked material--both for the person with the material locked and for those who are frustrated when they can't see what you're trying to show them, especially if it's a fill to a prompt (which probably shouldn't be posted in locked places anyway).
11. To make sure that your newly posted fic is found and properly indexed, please post a comment to the Fill List using the prescribed format.
If you don't want to link your fill to the Fill List until it's finished if it's a WIP, then that's fine. But remember to link it there eventually! It makes it easier for people to find fills, especially if it's for the early rounds and the fill isn't posted on the original comment. This is the most sure-fire way of making sure your fill is seen by the community.
If there are any questions or comments on any of these rules, let us know below, and we'll clarify to the best of our ability. All comments are screened. Remember, if you follow these rules and guidelines, the community will be a much more friendly place and will operate much more smoothly. Thanks so much, everybody.