best day ever?

Sep 14, 2006 10:44

Yesterday I woke up to discover that my head cold got considreably worse overnight and that I was in no shape to go on my routine Wednesday morning bike ride. The illness was gross, we'll leave it at that. What could have made my day better? How about plumbing problems? Overflow? Yeah. So Kev and I called the management who had the audacity to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

jgib10 September 15 2006, 02:00:26 UTC
A quote from my roomie last year, "Ryan Adams...meh...I mean, some of his stuff is good, but usually only one or two songs per album."

You should have pooped on the managers Welcome mat with a little Post-It that says "Couldn't find anywhere else to put this. Sorry."


2shammy September 15 2006, 03:26:59 UTC
That made me laugh out loud, for real.


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